We control production through agro-industrial partners subject to a strict control system and distribution through our own sales network of green canned food and products in oil and pickles both nationally and internationally. The standout characteristic of all our products is undoubtedly the high quality of the raw materials.
'Producing quality' is Centrone's corporate mission: a commitment pursued through the introduction of preserves designed for the catering and retail sectors and conceived to respond to an increasingly demanding market. The quality of the products is guaranteed by tight control of production methods and of the whole production chain.
The market experience of Centrone's founders and their in-depth knowledge of the products and production techniques always benefit the customer.
Only the best products are chosen for the production and distribution of our preserves and our production methods, including 'from fresh' processing, allow the organoleptic characteristics of the vegetables to be respected as much as possible. In addition, the company is committed to continuous research into new products and combinations.
The quality of our products is guaranteed by a production system that combines traditional working methods with tight control of the supply chain at all stages of processing. Everything starts in the field and continues with the processing of fresh raw materials, up to packaging and distribution to wholesalers, retailers and collective catering centres.
Controls begin on the farmland through verification of the raw materials. To this end, Centrone's agronomists visit the fields weekly to check the ripeness of the vegetables and their suitability for processing.
Before processing, the raw material undergoes further quality control checks at the entrance to the factory, including quality sorting, a process that removes whole artichokes that have withered on the plant.
As a further safeguard of quality, the products are sorted by hand, where tactile sensitivity and the expert human eye are used to detect any defects or imperfections in the pieces to be processed.